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한국 암흑물질 탐색실험 영어로


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  • Korea Invisible Mass Search
  • 한국    한국 [寒國] a cold country[region /
  • 암흑물질 암흑물질 암흑물질    Dark matter
  • 암흑물질 은하    NGC 4388
  • 암흑물질성    Dark star (dark matter)
  • 가벼운 암흑물질    Light dark matter
  • 뜨거운 암흑물질    Hot dark matter
  • 암흑물질 헤일로    Dark matter halo
  • 차가운 암흑물질    Cold dark matter
  • 암흑 물질    dark matter
  • 색실    색실 [色-] colored[ coloured] thread.
  • 암흑    암흑 [暗黑] darkness; blackness. ~의 dark / black / gloomy. 불이 다 나가서 우리는 ~속에 있었다 All the lights went out and we were left in the dark.▷ 암흑가 the underworld; a gang land.▷ 암흑계 the underworld.▷ 암흑 대륙 the Da
  • 탐색    탐색 [探索]1 [수색] search; hunt; quest. ~하다 search ; look[quest] for; delve into; seek for; hunt up; probe. 범인의 자취를 ~하다 trace the movements[whereabouts] of the criminal. 단서를 따라 ~하다 follow up a clue. 철저히
  • 물질    물질 [物質] (정신에 대하여) matter; [물체를 이루는 본바탕] substance; [재료] material. 단단한 ~ solid matter. ~ 불멸의 법칙 the principle of conservation of matter. 반(反)~ 『理』 antimatter. 이 세계를 구성하고 있는 ~ the matter of which this
  • 실험    실험 [實驗] (과학의) experimentation; (실험실에서의) laboratory work; (한 번의) (an) experiment; [시험] a test. 동물 ~ experiments with[using] animals. 핵~ a nuclear experiment[test]. 화학 ~ a chemical experiment / an exp
  • 물질 물질    Matter
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